Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tray of Fire

A serving tray filled with flickering tealights, one by one making their way onto scattered tables as the sun lets in the night across the city. It instills a kind of forced romanticism onto already bleeding décor. Yet it still tickles me how fire is lit in the night even in this learned and electric culture, lending an air of the olden ways and the inherent mysticism of perceived safety in the night. There are still predators to be afraid of. The night is still prowled by those who would use its wiles for mischief. A world filled with bicycles races and play dates, super computers and yoga retreats. A world so lit it can be mapped from the moon. A species afraid of the dark, annihilating it as it has every other natural predator its ever known. And thus a traveling tray of fire, sprinkling safety onto the subconscious of a people who have forgotten what it’s like to be someone else’s dinner. Let the hunt begin….

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