Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pangs of Consciousness

I admit it, this started with me being bored to tears in a department meeting today. My eyesight faded, my hearing blurred, and for a moment, everything went gray. I popped back, slightly embarrassed but thankfullyno one noticed. No one noticed that my eyes were darting around to faces I suddenly didn't recognize. Names came a second behind normal, but I couldn't place "why" I knew these people. I barely recognized them as people. What are people? Chairs, what are those? Table? What's a department? What am I?! What the fuck?!

My mind started deconstructing how this meeting came to be, starting with society at large and the want of knowledge, funneling down through the want for mass education, thus the need for teachers, and their subsequent education... it still didn't make any sense, and I work here.

I felt like a caveman dropped into a staff meeting, trying to make sense of it all. A spirit that had never known a body flung into the physical realm without even a vocabulary.

I still haven't recovered completely, and it's been hours. I need sleep. And Cheetos. And Highlander. Not in that order, necessarily...


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