Thursday, May 20, 2010

Really, Rand?

Ok, this is just too much. So, Rand Paul (I refuse to use the title of ‘Dr’ here because any man of this nature needs to be ejected from any professional environment that ALLOWS for the title of ‘Dr’) just won the Kentucky republican Primary for Congress. G9od for him. He won by a landslide. Also good for him. He is also against the Federal government having say over private businesses not being able to discriminate thanks to the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.


Oh but it’s ok, because he DOES believe there should be no discrimination of any kind in GOVERNMENT jobs and THAT is what the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT should have say over, not local businesses because its going against the rights of local business owners. Yeah, couldn’t say that with a straight face if I WANTED to.

Ok, is it me, or was this ‘local business discrimination’ issue exactly WHY the Civil Rights Act and ADA were put into place? Restaurants not serving Blacks or any non-white skin color, separate but equal (HA!) school systems, public AND private (so there’s no distinction to be made for who does and does not receive state funds), to say nothing of treated by law enforcement, city zoning commissions (all governed locally), voting officials, and do I need to GO ON? ( I could. Unlike Texas, I actually paid attention in ‘real life, no seriously this happened in THIS COUNTRY’ US history class.)

Thankfully, I don’t have to. HE SAYS SO HIMSELF:

Look, Rand, I appreciate you have a Tea Party to pander to, and that’s your choice. But you have now gone from ridiculous to advocating that discrimination should be LEGAL while your well-fed Caucasian self tries to get into elected office because you got endorsed by Fox (fantasy)News. People like you are the reason my parents had to change STATES OF RESIDENCE to get away from the shit they were getting for being a mixed race couple. People like you are the reason why I can’t go back to my home state of Arizona right now for fear of getting stopped by a cop to ask "Papiere, Bitte" because I look vaguely indigenous so I MUST be illegal.

Fuck you, you fucking fucker.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It consistently surprises me how many people fail their reading comprehension checks on the 14th amendement. What an asshat.