Thursday, May 7, 2009

Carrie under crass

I never thought I’d say this, but I actually think this semi-nude photo thing for Carrie Prejean is a positive development. If nothing else, it has the power to inspire empathy on her part for being attacked publicly for a conscious display of sexuality. Now she knows what it is like to have her own sexuality attacked simply for existing. She knew it was against the rules of the pageant, so she hid it. Now she understands what LGBT individuals go through with their own families, with friends, with society at large when they come out every single day. Some hide it, knowing what consequences there might be, much like Carrie did when she hid the existence of these photos, but others don’t. We step into the world, and we come out as being who we are each and every day, fully aware of possible consequence.

Personally, this nudity stigma that the has been hammered into current thinking like an ice pick is unnecessary anyway. I think the image of Carrie Prejean, aside from the pink, is quite lovely, and in different context could be seen as almost artful.

Needs better lighting, though...

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