Monday, September 27, 2010

Duckon and everything after

And a voice cried out from the fannish heavens saying, 'It is done.' I have been named Vice Chair for DucKon. 4 years attached to the first Chicago Scifi con I ever attended. What have I done?!! There, I've said it. I feel better. Except I also feel like I have a huge rubber duck on my back as opposed to the perverbial monkee. But whatever.

Furries are back, people! Working on an actual furry track, guests and all. I'm also trying really hard not to become a drill sergent. I know how I come off, and it's important to me that I don't come off as a dictator or too much of a hardass. I don't mean to, I just want to get the job done smoothly, on time, and under budget. That's the goal.

And can I just say, FILK!! A would-be filker is a stone's throw from the helm. I don't think this has been lost on a few minds. We'll see how this goes, but I hope to help rebuild a few bridges and forge new rivers, letting voices sing and instruments ring happily through the halls of Duckon once more.

And now I sit back and watch my free time burn like a Wicker Man on the Nevada Desert. *sigh* Pass the marshmallows?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ducks on head >> ducks on back.

Just sayin'.