Tuesday, January 20, 2009

...."love that casts a widening pool of light"....

On this day, we begin renewed.

On this day we are joined with the voices of the world who cry out for peace, and we say onto them, “Watch us.”

On this day, we are jarred by the howls of those who oppose us, who say we cannot prevail, that we cannot be what we once were and strive to be again. To them we say, “Watch us.”

And on this day, a man stood before us as he did 40 years ago, again in the shadow of a great leader and glad to be there. He helped usher in a movement aside Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that struck the heart of every American near and far. And today, that same man cried out to his god and called for a blessing upon a president he thought he might never live to see.

And now, I have watched a lame duck depart, and none too soon make way for a man willing to do what is asked of him, not make excuses, or feign grandeur in the face of things he knows nothing about.

I have cried, I have laughed, I have joined my fellow man in song. This day begins a new era in our history. And it is a history we make and shape and move toward together. The man has set the pace. Let us move together, making 'love' a word of strength once more.

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