Friday, April 24, 2009

Sociologist coming out, fair warning

So, @theogeer brought something to mind today that decided to turn itself into a self-discussion. Blame him for this.

As I have said before, I tend to skirt the fence, or just plain stand on it, when it comes to a host of issues. That is not to say I am wish-washy, quite the opposite. I know where I stand, and generally I stand in the middle because I can see the validity of both viewpoints, but in the end, I do know exactly where I stand on 95% of the issues presented. The others I am still researching, because I like to be informed before I come to a conclusion. That said, spiritually I ride the fence of connection to the Divine and Deity, and that tends to perturb people. Let me explain.

I didn’t really have solid terminology for this until about three years ago, but in practice, I am a panantheist. The Divine is immanent in all things, touching all life, ingrained in every aspect of everything. It is also centered in beings, Gods/Goddesses, spirits, the transcendent beings that provide focus for the Divine.

But in my heart of hearts, I am a hardcore pantheist. The divine exists within all things, and the notion of ‘god’ is an abstract as opposed to an anthropomorphic entity.

The reason for this difference is two fold. First, and not the least of which, I recognize individual consciousness beyond my physical senses. I understand that a lack of consciousness that I am aware of does not mean that something does not have power, have energy, and have connection to the Divine.

Secondly, and this is a finer point that some don’t share, but I also recognize the deification of a person or idea. To give power to something is a heavy, hearty thing, and not to be taken lightly nor ignored. Concepts can be given power simply in their naming, consciousness in the thinking of those who ponder them. Angels, deified people, hell rocks in the ground such as the Blarney stone, are given power because of belief. Focused concentration giving energy to a concept, an idea given life through the light of those who seek it.

My own connection to Divinity becomes somewhat fractured at that point, because I recognize the validity of both views and exist within both viewpoints. I know that the Deity I connect with most readily, the Morrigan, is an entity onto herself (three in point of fact, but more on that another time). She is indeed a force to be reckoned with, the great howling form at the gate between, the guardian ushering the seeker across the threshold, keeping them safe but not shielding them from reality. The carrion crow flying down into the heart of battle to pull out the eyes of the enemy. The connection to death that all life has, whether they like it or not, and the lack of fear that comes at the moment of death, when all that exists is what lays beyond the veil. I know all this well, and yet I also know that is equally as valid and as powerful as the great geode sitting on my bathroom floor. It is no greater, in reference to the Divine, than a strand of hair upon the wind, holding the very essence of its owner even as it travels its own path. Separate consciousness, equal connection. Recognizing the Divinity of all creation, of all that is life, I see the differences between and yet know they are one, and through it all flows the essence of everything that simply is. By name, by sight, by scent, it simply is. And in so being, it is Divine.

And all this came from a notion by @theogeer that he had been experiencing a disjointation (Is that a word? It is today.) with Deity recently; a disconnection. Read here: This really resonated with me because I have been feeling similarly.

Now this is not the severe, self-imposed feelings of utter lifelessness of past posting, but simply a wistful want of that connection, lost in the shuffle of mundania and most recently of moving. Nothing kills energetic equilibrium like trying to pack your life into a box or forty. I don't have NEARLY that many, but you get the point.

So tonight I’m off to the outdoors to get my head out of the crap I’m in and reconnect. I would do this at home, but it would simply be more of the same, and that won’t do.

I’m wilting. This day at work needs to be OVER.

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