Sunday, April 5, 2009


4-3 – IOWA

My day started out like any other when someone was coming to invade. Today, it was again mandated by the landlord, which always SUCKS, so I was in a small tiff about everything, which is a failing of mine. I get worked up about crap mid-stride, only to look back and think, “What was I on about?” So I’d gotten done as much as I could, ie had time for, and turned on my computer…

BLISS. There, in black and white all over my RSS feeds, was the state of IOWA BEING AWESOME. And EQUAL. And beautiful. Seconds later Twitter knew. About a minute later Facebook knew, and both had links on how to find out more. Iowa had declared UNANIMOUSLY that the ban on gay marriage was unconstitutional. Talk about a slap to the face of the opposition. A state least likely to do anything that isn’t corn-fed or served on a Collectible Jesus platter said, ‘Nope, not here. Us and the gays? We’re good.’

Good as gold and better. You guys rock hardcore. Now, about California….

UPDATE: just found a fantastic video about Religious Freedom vs. Gay marriage, illustrating why the two are actually related in ways the Anti-Gay movement doesn't talk about, and why they don't talk about it. It's lovely.

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