Palin. Sarah gay-hating, Moose-fucking, maverick-coattail-riding Palin. I am so sick of this woman, if I can even bring myself to think of her as one of my own kind. I mean really, a woman trying to take away women’s rights? What the fuck is that? What next, voting, speaking in public? Fuck you, Sarah! She calls our President Elect all but a terrorist, then turns around and says she’s ‘proud of Barack Obama,’ as if to say, ‘Gosh, it’s so nice they let that black man into office.’ Cunt. And how she’d love to serve in his administration. Can we serve her as a snack tray? That’s the only job she’s fit for.
Then she has the stones to say she and other Republican Governors in their little club are ready to put aside "extreme partisanship" and act if Washington fails to provide the leadership America needs. Speaking at her first formal news conference since the Republican tanked last week, she croaked out that her fellow Republican governors "don't let obsessive, extreme partisanship ... get in the way of doing what's right." Since fucking when? She and the fuckers still listening to her are so far Reich (sorry, Right) they can't even see that moderates EXIST, let alone stand among them.
I had wished that we could just ship her back to Alaska like a bad case of crabs and never have to hear from her again. I also knew that was never going to happen. The Fundies like her WAY too much, and her ego has grown far too big for even Alaska to hold anymore. Surrounded by Yes Men, and not the kind that do fun things to the New York Times, she honestly forgot that she’s an idiot. A poorly spoken, raving loon who needs to be locked up and experience the ‘reprogramming’ her kind like to give to gays and unwed mothers in fundamentalist situation. Do they have programs for ‘not crazy’ by chance? If not, let’s develop one for this bitch. I mean seriously, given the choice, I’d take Hillary Clinton over Plain any day, and I am NOT fan of Hillary’s.
I’m just glad our country has been able to see through the bullshit that has been heaped over us in the past eight years, and brought forth a leader by our own hand, that has the fortitude to make things happen. Without Sarah Plain. Now, if we could just stuff her in a hole for the next twenty years or so, that’d be nice. Shovel, anyone?
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