Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Great Debate...not so much

I have to admit, I’m a little disappointed. Things turned out to be kind of whiny and accusatory for my taste. McCain all but telling Obama to apologize for those comments made about him by Lewis about connecting he and Sara Palin to segregationists of the 60’s and the bombing of that church was laughable. NO REFERENCE was made to link the current Republican candidates with that insanity. NONE. If you read the direct quote, that’s obvious, but to ask Obama to apologize for someone else’s statement was ridiculous, and McCain sounded like a little kid when he kept saying, “It’s not fair!” What are you, 5? You’re whining like a little bitch boy and you want to run this country?

And honestly, being in the field of education, I have to say there is NOTHING that eight years is going to fix. It’s a situation that’s going to take a generation at least to fix, and people need to come to grips with that. We need a solution people can agree on so it will remain in implementation for the 15-20 years its going to take to make the system function properly. McCain’s plan of competitive schools does nothing but isolate lower income families to mediocre schools, while the rich kids get fought over because their parents can afford tuition. Obama’s plan of college tuition reimbursement for every student every year with community service is a decent plan, but implementing it is going to be rough. And also, if the K-12 system isn’t supporting our children properly, putting college within reach isn’t enough when graduating above a “C” isn’t happening in the first place.

I must admit though, Obama side-stepped Sarah Palin like bubblegum on the sidewalk. When asked if he thought she was qualified, he said to let the people decide. A well-put answer if any, and if there is anyone left who takes that woman even REMOTELY seriously, let’s see a show of hands. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

I also want tog o n record saying Obama’s comments about that “$42000 income tax bill” thing McCain was squawking about was amazing. He goes as says everyone’s said that entire thing was fabricated, even Fox News, which doesn’t happen where he’s concerned. AND THEY WERE ON FOX NEWS!!! Glorious.

Overall, it was a mudslinging bitch fight that in the end means nothing. It was by no means a show-stopper as far as the campaign, and where McCain needed to be seen as calm and collected, he got more agitated and more personal with his barbs as the night went on, while Obama stayed cool. Though McCain has the passion of a fighter, he didn’t have the substance of a cool head to back it up. All bark, not enough denture-adhesive for bite.


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