It’s primary day here in Iowa, and it’s become quite a circus out there. Between Ron Paul being his old disgusting self, Santorum being nice and Frothy by turning out racist propaganda for a few extra votes, and Newt Gingritch sagging (your mind went there to) in the latest polls because people are remembering who he is, the GOP primaries is quickly turning into a Cirque de Solei of rotten politics. Let’s see:
Michelle Bachmann is the dark clown of the show, the villain who hurts people but gets it in the end. Between using every pawn in the arsenal, including a few cut out of paper (Vaccines causing mental defects, gay people are Satanists, gay people can be ‘fixed,’ no one deserves health care, or way to negotiate their own wages and benefits within an organized union system regardless of how they are treated outside said union), she is indeed a clown portraying a villain. Anyone who still takes this bitch seriously is a fool, and she is surrounded by them. It’s just nice that so many are waking up from her lies.
Newt Gingritch is the Ring Master wannabe that keeps drawing attention away from the real leaders like any good narcissist does. The hypocrisy here is so rampant, it’s hard to pin it down to bullet points. I still can’t believe that his current wife stays with him considering she is the product of adultery divorce #2. Not once but TWICE before he has dumped his wife for a ‘better’ girl, one of whom was undergoing breast cancer treatment when he served her with the divorce papers. Using school children as janitorial staff in their own low-income area schools (and eliminating the job of the ADULTS who currently do the job), ranting about an adulterous president while he was committing adultery on wife #2 (you know, the one he cheated on his FIRST wife with), saying that the OWS movement members need to ‘get a job’… yeah, these are the things we need in Any public official, let alone a president. RIGHT. And after the wannabe we have…
Rick Santorum! Otherwise known as Frothy Mix! And does he ever live up to his name! His latest and greatest hit on the charts is pandering to the racist republican base by saying “I Don’t Want to Make Black People’s Lives Better With Other People’s Money” with a B-side classic of vowing to invalidate ALL same sex marriages regardless of state legislation. So much for state rights, eh GOP? But wait! There’s more! So basically states are allowed to do their own thing when Frothy wants them to, but when it’s something he doesn’t like, no can do. How typically GOP of him. Speaking of all things typical…
Mitt Romney! Ah, Mittens. The side show. You got quite owned recently, didn’t you? When President Obama comes out and SLAPS down your comment of pandering to terrorist threats (which was BEAUTIFUL, by the way), and when a gay vet decided to take you to task (oh yeah:, or when you manage to get facts wrong even though members of the republican side CONFIRMED them (, come on. You’re most likely going to get the nomination, but YOU are the best that the GOP has to offer? Why, exactly? Because Corporations are People Too (!! You are a tragedy.
Ron Paul… and speaking of tragedies! Let’s take one gem, JUST ONE, for this assclown since there are SO many to choose from. How about this: this is a REAL quote from HIS newsletter, and it is one of many such statements that are mind-numbingly outrageous. One of two things happened here, both of which are a travesty. 1: he approved this statement outright and so it was published with his name on it in HIS newsletter. This is the more likely scenario since he has been known to say such things in the past. Or 2: He didn’t know about this quote, but allowed it to be published in his name anyway without retraction, apology, or even an acknowledgement of its existence. And if THAT is the case, anyone who is that easy-going with public-facing materials shouldn’t be anywhere NEAR the oval office. Period. Such a sad old lion in the ring, trying so hard to be relevant.
Rick Perry…. Hey, it’s the guy who keeps falling off the trapeze! Which is worse, I ask: Forgetting one’s own policies on which areas of government one wants to eliminate (, forgetting just how many judges in Iowa should be removed for their ‘agendas’ even though one is trying to win votes in THAT VERY STATE for today’s primary (, or the absolutely boggling pitch in New Hampshire to repair one’s damaged credentials on border security: "Those of you that will be 21 by November the 12th, I ask for your support and your vote," he declared to titters from those who recognized the voting age error. (Oh, and the election isn't on the 12th AND the voting age is 18.) THIS jackmonkey wants to be president. Because a Texas governor masquerading as a meaningful politician and leader was SUCH a good idea the first time around… OOPS!
I understand that Obama has work to do here, but seriously, all he really has to do is grill whoever wins the primary on THESE issues, stances, and statements. His work is being delivered to him on a plate. At least he can continue doing good work and not have to focus QUITE as much on keeping his job since he will likely NOT be losing it to one of these idiots.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
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