Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Jan 12th: Freedom of speech has NEVER meant freedom from consequences

Ok, so I’ve been a lurking a bit recently given the nature of my busy life, and especially given all the insane public events of late. However, as things have finally started to concertize, I find myself needing to get out a couple things regarding the recent shooting in my home town.

That’s right, I was born in Tucson. St. Joseph’s hospital to be precise, a place that accepted some of the shooting victims from last Saturday. I heard about this and immediately started gathering facts. News groups across the internet were conflicting as reports flooded in, and my mind kept running backwards to the many pages and words and actions of violence and violent incitation done by so many in the political spotlight these past few years. It’s as if a floodgate had opened and out poured a wide and colorful spectrum of suddenly acceptable target practice.

A few names spring to mind on the subject. For example: Sarah Palin, a disgusting, gun-toting, violent-minded, dimwit with delusions of grandeur who whores out her own family for the sake of attention; Glen Beck, and undereducated would-be Mormon with a sewage-spewing fear machine for a mouth; Rush Limbaugh, a racist, sexist drug addict who sees fir to piss on anything he chooses day to day and seems to think that by being anything other that white you are filth; Sharron Angle who feels that 2nd amendment solutions are just fine even though we are currently headed by a president who has had double the death threats of any other on record just because he’s brown and then turns around to defend such rhetoric in the face of these events.

I will say that this remarkable trend of using violence as a tool of fear is nothing more than a last stitch effort of a floundering political party that doesn’t know how else to rally their supporters. Frothing, seething, wild-eyed people that don’t really know why they’re angry because they’re only told that they should be angry. They’re lied to about their values being attacked, they’re lied to about children being harmed and they’re jobs being lost. They’re lied to over and over and over by the lying liars that they look to for comfort and answers (see previous list of names, adding others because it’s a LONG damn list). They’re afraid and they’re misinformed, or worse uninformed, and they want to do SOMETHING to try and make it all just go away. And these are the people that those in power would prey upon to do their dirty work, using slogans of reloading and sniper sites on lists of opponents’ names and defending every right anyone ever had to own a weapon simply because they know it’s only a matter of time.

That time came last Saturday. And these profiteering, fear-mongering fucks are ALL to blame.

It has to stop, people. We are supposed to be a country where we can speak freely and live as we wish, not live in fear of some maniac with a gun and a mission from a political mouthpiece. Anyone who uses violence as a political platform doesn’t deserve that platform, and politics doesn’t need them.

Yet there is a part of me that burns at this in a different way. I've been around guns my whole life. gun safety has been drilled into me ever since I was old enough to identify what I was looking at as an object. My father taught me well, and gave me both his great shot and his appreciation for the magnitude of what I was doing. We are a family of hunters, law-enforcement, and farmers. Yet deep down, this kind of thing makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong simply because I'm not viciously anti-gun. I know they're dangerous. I know they're weapons used for exactly one thing. I also know that not every hand that holds them wields them against innocent people. Does that make me wrong somehow? No. But I cannot say that I want every gun ever melted down, either. After what happened Saturday in my home town, that thought burns.

And do not even GET me started on those useless Westboro fucks trying to picket the funeral of a 9-year-old. They changed their mind at the last minute of course and decided to go beat on a Judge’s family instead, but these people are no church. They are the extended family of one man in Kansas who fancies himself important. He’s not. THEY are not. they are disgusting, misguided and need very serious mental evaluation.

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