Wow, what a weekend! I don't think I've ever been so crazy busy at a convention EVER! But what a way to go!
First off, I was tapped for Filk Second about 3 weeks from the convention, which made me Pixie Wrangler in a whole new sense of the word! Tricky Pixie needed drums? We got them drums. They needed stuff before the con? We got them stuff before the con. And hugging a S00j anytime of the day or night makes for a very happy Lizzie. :)
However, I have to say, Xap was INSTRUMENTAL (no puns, please) in making things work for our Filk Guests this year on the ground. I can never thank her enough for all her efforts in keeping them safe and sane, to say nothing of taking care of me in my frazzledness. Thank you, sweetie.
Tomboat. WHAAAAAAAA, Tomboat! Combo of Toyboat and Tom Smith in the key of HOLY CHEESE AWESOME!! I really hope they got this recorded, because WOW, that was GREAT!!! And I got pulled up on stage to sing one number at the last second which only freaked me out ENTIRELY because I really don't feel like I'm on par with these maniacs yet. Yet...we'll see.
Also got to see Heather Dale, which is always such a joy. Heather's a dear, her beau Ben Deschamps is a treasure, and they called ericcoleman and I out on stage for getting them to come after Strowlers in St. Louis last September. SO glad they were able to make it. Currently in Super Secret ninja meetings with them to get them back to Chicagoland very soon. *CONSPIRING*
Then, of course, TRICKY PIXIE. Holy stick monkeys on fire, TRICKY PIXIE. Cannot thank Vlad enough for agreeing to have them as our Guests. The concert was nothing short of pheonominal, despite the early onset of pixies in the sound equipment. A situation handled BEAUTIFULLY by out tech guys, gundo, our Filk Head and fearless leader, dave_iversen, dracos666, lonotter, Jerusha, and everyone who helped out. You guys are the ones who made this whole thing happen. Thank you all so so much.
As for me, I'm only here because of the stellar works of Xap and ericcoleman and raven_ap_morgan. Those three kept me from falling to pieces on more than one occasion over the course of the weekend, even going so far as walking me into con suite Sunday afternoon and ensuring I sit my little tail down and REST for the first time really all weekend. You three have my undying gratitude. Love you all. I really do.
OH! And I supported the London Bid for the 2014 WorldCon. Did YOU?
So much love. So many wonderful people. SO much music. SO much sleep to catch up on. Worth it. SO BLOODY WORTH IT.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Moments of Mayham: the UGLY Hat
I tried to tell myself it wasn't that bad. I really did. then I took a solid look at the hat I've been knitting for a couple days and realized, "Nope, this is by far the ugliest hat I have ever knitted EVER. See for yourself:

Sad, isn't it? but it's also found a home with Emily Klik of Synphoria, so that's happy making. she's fabulous, and this hat will simply be swept into her awesome and therefore BE awesome. I'm ok with that.
Sad, isn't it? but it's also found a home with Emily Klik of Synphoria, so that's happy making. she's fabulous, and this hat will simply be swept into her awesome and therefore BE awesome. I'm ok with that.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
We're so fucked. Well done, America
Friend posted this - "On my way home tonight I heard a woman interviewed at a poll in NC. She voted for O in '8. Since then she lost her job, draws unemployment, is going back to school & has no health insurance. So this time she's voting a straight R ticket. R's won't extend unemployment, didn't back increased Pell grants, want to repeal health care & have 0 ideas for jobs. So that's who she voted for."
That sums up last night pretty well. I’ve seen a few moments of American stupidity in my day, but this was a pure moment. And we have only ourselves to blame.
Those of us who dismiss the Tea Party and their idiocy are in fact correct. They are idiots. They’re also well-funded and LOUD. And that volume alone gets the attention of the sheeple, not the facts. Organizations like NOM and Concerned Women for America and Focus on the Family have raised their voices high in outright lies, and people believed. The facts didn’t matter because the people with facts didn’t wave their flags high and hard and fast. We have ourselves to blame.
Matt Yglesias has the best tweet in reaction to the networks calling teabagger Rand Paul as the Senate winner from Kentucky: "Finally we have a Senator willing to stand up the tyranny of the Civil Rights Act!"
And our fearless leader? Our fierce Advocate? Yeah, about him. Obama had the cards to play. He did something 2 years ago that made the world take notice. He took some of the lowest voting demographics in this nation and mobilized them not only to vote, but to gather together their not inconsiderable resources for one common goal. It was a firestorm, and it got him elected by a LANDSLIDE. That and Palin is an imbecile, but that’s a post for another day.
But where has our advocate gone? Where is the man I voted for 2 years ago? Where was he during the election season? Covering his ass and doing damage control in the last 3-4 weeks for his party AFTER barely lifting a finger to help those same demographics that made sure he got elected. *sigh* DADT will end on his watch, huh?
Iowa is where my main concern lies now. The judges who got ousted by Tea Party lies and who will be replaced by TRUE activist judges who will NOT uphold the laws? We're all feeling this one. We did you wrong and for that I am sorry. the tide has turned, and dark days are ahead for us.
Well done, Democrats. You had a powerplay in your hands, and you did nothing with it. Now you’re got a fight on your hands you weren’t ready for when you HAD power. These next two years are going to be very, very hard.
That sums up last night pretty well. I’ve seen a few moments of American stupidity in my day, but this was a pure moment. And we have only ourselves to blame.
Those of us who dismiss the Tea Party and their idiocy are in fact correct. They are idiots. They’re also well-funded and LOUD. And that volume alone gets the attention of the sheeple, not the facts. Organizations like NOM and Concerned Women for America and Focus on the Family have raised their voices high in outright lies, and people believed. The facts didn’t matter because the people with facts didn’t wave their flags high and hard and fast. We have ourselves to blame.
Matt Yglesias has the best tweet in reaction to the networks calling teabagger Rand Paul as the Senate winner from Kentucky: "Finally we have a Senator willing to stand up the tyranny of the Civil Rights Act!"
And our fearless leader? Our fierce Advocate? Yeah, about him. Obama had the cards to play. He did something 2 years ago that made the world take notice. He took some of the lowest voting demographics in this nation and mobilized them not only to vote, but to gather together their not inconsiderable resources for one common goal. It was a firestorm, and it got him elected by a LANDSLIDE. That and Palin is an imbecile, but that’s a post for another day.
But where has our advocate gone? Where is the man I voted for 2 years ago? Where was he during the election season? Covering his ass and doing damage control in the last 3-4 weeks for his party AFTER barely lifting a finger to help those same demographics that made sure he got elected. *sigh* DADT will end on his watch, huh?
Iowa is where my main concern lies now. The judges who got ousted by Tea Party lies and who will be replaced by TRUE activist judges who will NOT uphold the laws? We're all feeling this one. We did you wrong and for that I am sorry. the tide has turned, and dark days are ahead for us.
Well done, Democrats. You had a powerplay in your hands, and you did nothing with it. Now you’re got a fight on your hands you weren’t ready for when you HAD power. These next two years are going to be very, very hard.
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